14 MAY

Sophea Lerner | Sound Walk

Sonic Club

Sophea Lerner

6.30 PM - 8.30 PM

Sonic Club is a gathering of radio, audio and listening enthusiasts and all those interested in engaging with sonic explorations.

For the next session we invite you to join us for a sound walk around Sompasaari and Mustikkamaa. The session focuses on listening to the environment and will be led by Sophea Lerner. Co-founder of creative research collective Delhi Listening Group, Sophea will take participants on a stroll sharing some of the practices the group has used over the years.‍ Delhi Listening Group proposes listening as an alternative to the map and the plan. Listening is a way of producing knowledge of the everyday city and exploring shifting sonic behaviors that are reconfiguring the borders between sound and noise. Listening is the work we do to re-earmagine the city. Delhi Listening Group is a collaboration between Ankur Society for Alternatives in Education and Phonebox Productions.

Sophea Lerner works with sound and broadcast and has spent more than twenty years putting technology to creative and collaborative uses and teaching others to do the same.

Come with an open heart and ear! Please arrive on time as we will be going for a walk - and wear comfy shoes!

Sonic Club is supported by SKR.

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